Tag: legal outsourcing

Student outreach at its best
Student outreach at its best: Spotlight on Kalexius at Le Défi Media Group’s Career Lounge in Mauritius.

Kalexius ranked by Chambers as leading ALSP
“The feedback and recognition we got tell us we are no longer ‘alternative’ but simply a fully established Legal Services Provider.”

Kalexius discussion with Laurent Giezendanner, Syngenta
“Having a good mix of people, process and tech is essential as these three elements are equally important to us.”

Focus on the London IQPC Exchange
“The resources you identify today will make tomorrow much easier”

A day in the life of legal ops experts – Interview with Conventus Law
“There is a lingering misconception about legal ops and legal tech being interchangeable. The best way to dispel this is to ask “what’s my mission as a legal ops professional? Doing tech or doing more?”

Focus on the Canadian Legal Innovation Forum
“Not just a cost center: legal departments should be innovators seeking efficiencies”

Focus on IQPC Exchange’s Corporate Counsel & Compliance Exchange
“Take a break and ask ‘are we doing the right thing?”

5 ways to ensure tech doesn’t hinder your efficiency
Tech supports people, not the other way around.

Focus on Swiss LegalTech Association’s Legal Innovation 22
“The first reaction to tech should be reflecting on how it should be used”